Roll is an important component in steel rolling. The development and application of its material is also very important. In recent years, with the rapid development of automobile, household appliances, railway, bridge and construction industry in China, the rapid development of steel rolling industry has been promoted, it promotes the progress of rolling technology, the Working Environment of roller is more and more demanding, and the working performance of roller is more and more demanding. How to improve the working performance of roller to meet the needs of steel rolling is a new task for roller workers. A large number of studies have found that B is an element widely used in the field of metallic materials. The addition of trace B to alloy steel can significantly improve the hardenability of steel, other valuable elements such as chromium, nickel, manganese to achieve the same effect, the content of Boron must be dozens or even hundreds of times. Reasonable selection of Boron content in the alloy and control of Boride precipitation morphology and Matrix structure can further improve the properties of the alloy. In this paper, a new high boron high speed steel roll material is developed by combining high boron steel with high speed steel matrix.
High Boron high speed steel was melted in 50kg medium frequency induction furnace. As Boron is an active element, it easily reacts with oxygen and Nitrogen in the melt. The molten steel is deoxidized by aluminum before it is produced. The temperature of the molten steel is about 1600 °C, and then it is poured by quartz sand mould and graphite mould respectively. The chemical composition of the sample is 0.25 ~ 0.50 C, 0.5 ~ 1.5 B, & Lt; 5.0 CR, & Lt; 2.0 W, & Lt; 2.0 Mo, & Lt; 2.0 v, 0.5 Si, 0.6 ~ 0.8 MN, & Lt; 0.06 S, & Lt; 0.05 P, and the remainder is Fe. The High Boron high speed steel material was processed into 15mm 15mm 25mm sample by wire cutting machine, and heat treated at 1050 °C in DRZ-9 high temperature box furnace, then heated for 1 hour and cooled by water, then tempered at 200 °C, 525 °C and 600 °C for 3 hours. The heat-treated material was processed into a solid cylinder of 6mm 24mm, and the wear test was carried out on the ML-10 pin-on-disk wear tester.
The size and thickness of Eutectic carbides are larger and the segregation of Quartz cast samples is larger, while the graphite cast samples are smaller, denser and more homogeneous. After high temperature quenching and tempering, high hardness martensite can be obtained, and most of the Boride can be transformed into spherical structure, a small amount of boride is distributed as rod or block, which makes the hardness of the material increase. The tempering temperature of High Boron high speed steel is lower than 400 °C, and the hardness of high
speed steel has no obvious change. When the tempering temperature exceeds 400 °C, the hardness increases gradually, and reaches the standard value when the tempering temperature is 525 °C. When quenched at 1050 °C and tempered at 525 °c, the hardness and wear resistance of the material are relatively good. Roller car, grinding roller, roller machinery